#ItsBeautiful is a design and photography series that revolves around the stereotypes of society. Socially, people become judgemental very easily. This includes when a person cares very much for one another, they call them simp. When a person is not socially open and doesn't drink or smoke, they are seen as a non-sociable person. But, little did they know, that there is beauty in the way they act. Being an introverted, non-sociable or less confident person is also beautiful.
"after all, true
is beautiful"
- John Keats
#ItsBeautiful stresses the unseen beauty of difficulty, I browsed through my collection of pictures dated from 2016 to 2022 to pick the best-suited photos for this series. #ItsBeautiful is a project that says, Courage, being Bold, Cordial, Diligent, Reticent, and Modesty are all beautiful in their way.
Inspired by the "Courage is beautiful" campaign from Dove

isn't it?
A series with love, for all who have been through or going through an insecure part of your life.
with this series, I encourage people to be true to themself. Treat 'you' right, change is good but do not change for others, change for yourself and live a meaningful life and not a fake social commitment.
After all #ItsBeautiful to see people pushing through isn't it?


Stories worth sharing
We spoke to a few people who have been through an insecure part of their lives and asked them if they would share their stories! Some said yes, and some said, they would like to remain anonymous. This is their story.

#Bold is beautiful
Boldness Implies the willingness to get things done despite the risks involved.
But, Sometimes people hesitate to be bold. One of the risks in being blunt and bold is that people around you are not going to like you. Nobody likes the truth. It's heart-crushing sometimes. It requires courage to accept it or even to take it sportingly. We live in an illusion which is created by us, for us. And whoever tries to show us the mirror, we start hating them. It's natural.
So, sometimes being bold means, getting ready to face a lot of hatred, and ignorance. Sometimes you'll even be abused.
But wait, is that a disadvantage? No. At least not for a person who doesn't give a damn about what people think. But for others, yeah it may be.
but in the end, being bold is beautiful, isn't it?
#Cordial is beautiful
Showing or marked by warm and often hearty friendliness, favour, or approval
Once a speechwriter said, "It is always in your favour to be nice; it is rarely advantageous to be passive"
Being cordial is an amazing quality, but modern-day society has made it look weak. People will see, a cordial person; weak. While being nice to all the people you know, You forget to be nice to yourself
Society thinks a cordial person attracts people for all the wrong reasons.
Little did they know being cordial is a quality that society lacks. You should always be you.
It takes a lot to be Cordial, welcoming and warm. Being cordial is beautiful, isn't it?

#Modesty is beautiful
Quality or state of being unassuming in the estimation of one's abilities; Mostly themselves.
Modest in simple terms is not taking the credits you deserve. Being simple. But if today's society finds a modest person, their first motive is to use them as much as possible.
Society says: Being modest can make you look weak and dispensable. Being modest will make you look too shy.
but, little did they know, that our society lacks Selflessness and Modesty it requires to function.
Modesty is beautiful! Isn't it?
#Diligent is beautiful
Constant in effort to accomplish something; attentive and persistent in doing anything
Hardworking and consistency can kill valuable time and relationships. But, what's the cost of all the lost time and relationships.
was it worth it? was it enough? doesn't matter, if all that you did was put in your best effort!
Diligent is beautiful. Isn't it?

#Reticent is beautiful
Introverts; are inclined to be silent or reserved in speech.
Introverts are often labelled weird or snobbish. Don't always get the party invitation and have a harder time standing out on social media.
Introverts can struggle to expand their networks. But, how often have you heard the introverts open up?
They have a lot to share and an extremely precise skill set in certain aspects. Coz, they have been perfecting their skill set while the other got invited to parties.
Reticent is beautiful isn't it?
#Fortitude is beautiful
Strength of mind to carry on in the spirit of danger.
Fortitude is beautiful, isn't it?

#Courage is beautiful
"Courage isn't having the strength to go on - it is going on when you don't have strength." - Napoleon Bonaparte
Courage is a choice to confront agony, pain, danger, uncertainty or intimidation. Have the Fortitude to Fight another day. Reticent is just a part of it, 'your life. If you hate your life, change the way of living.
This series ends here, with the phrase "Courage is beautiful" asking you to push through the agony and find happiness in little things. You are the narrator of your story, and you have the power to say-
"This is not how my story ends"
because Suicide is not an answer
If you or anyone you know is going through
a tough time and need help. Call suicide prevention hotline numbers and get support.
You concluded with a question!
The whole project "#ItsBeautiful" is inspired by the "Courage is beautiful" campaign from Dove where they donated care products as a thank you to healthcare workers on the front lines of the Covid-19 pandemic. The brand created a short film with Ogilvy, putting names to the faces of those who continue to put themselves in harm's way to treat those who are battling the disease. The film comes with a simple message: Courage is beautiful.
Yes, I left all the phrases with a question! from "Cordial is beautiful, isn't it?" to "Courage is beautiful, isn't it?" for you to process. These are my views. You accept them are not, it's up to you. Ask yourself, are you being your true self or are you living a fake social commitment?
writeback, anudheepsrirajr@gmail.com